Saturday, April 10, 2010

in living color

Even if largely just two colors: green and (shades of) brown...

Here you can see the salvaged cedar we used to border our plot. We're thinking that, over time, the soil of our plots will build up to match the height of the border. Our plot partners, D&P, have a variety of materials on hand that we can consider using to complete the inner borders. In the background, behind the fence, you can see a long line of soil that is characteristic of northern MS: clayey.

Above is a close-up of the portion we've planted. Kale on the left, chard at the top right, one of the thyme plants is visible if you direct your attention to the edge closest to you, just left of center. The little dots on either side of the parsley (right lower side) are radish seedlings! (hint: click on the pic to see better) The beet seedlings aren't visible here, but they're there, in that big bare spot in the middle. The weird pattern on the surface comes from our mulching around the bigger seedlings to keep down weeds, and not yet where we planted seeds. Once the radish and beet seedlings are big enough, we'll mulch there too. Check out the community garden mascot:

Precious. Even when she's screaming or acting all big because you've gotten too close. Mama killdeer is sitting on four eggs -- caught sight of them when she was off the nest last week (no worries, either she--or Papa--was nearby and ready to defend at the drop of a hat). Can't wait to see the little birds, which should hatch out in about another week or two. J told me that killdeer like to nest in open areas that are gravely or sandy, like on baseball diamonds. In fact, our garden site used to be a baseball diamond. Made me wonder if this pair had been nesting here for a long time, and when we moved in, well, they just went ahead and did what they've always done. Glad the lot of us is able to accommodate. Last weekend, J taught a group of scouts about these beautiful creatures, as well as about gardening, when the pack was on site to help in the garden. It has since been reported that at the end of the day, a number of the little guys inquired about getting plots. Good job, J.!


  1. We're finally in the game. P and I planted tomatoes, tomatilla, hot peppers, mild peppers and marigolds in our south corner. And we got to see the killdeer, which is s kooky bird indeed.

    I also planted three zuke seeds in the north corner without any directions and operating entirely on impulse. We'll see!

  2. I think we need to have a contest to name our mascot.
